Nidau, 01.07.2024:
It's finally official: Raphael Kohler, CEO at AXEPT Business Software AG, has joined the Board of Directors of Swissteach AG as of May 21, 2024. He is warmly welcomed by the entire team as a valuable partner for Swissteach's future corporate path.
Raphael Kohler has been working in the telecommunications, IT and software industry since 1997 and has been active in his role as CEO at AXEPT Business Software AG since 2006. Under his leadership, the company has grown from its original 19 employees to 190 today. In addition to this responsibility, the trained television and radio electrician is also involved in various board memberships at Swiss software companies.

As a sales coordinator with a federal certificate and a degree in industrial engineering NDS, Raphael Kohler brings valuable impetus and experience to Swissteach thanks to his impressive career. Swissteach will benefit greatly from his extensive know-how in the areas of strategic corporate management, the digitalization of large companies in the business software environment and in innovation and product management.
Raphael Kohler is taking over the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors from Manuel Frick, who is handing over his office to him after more than ten successful years on the Swissteach AG Board of Directors.
The Swissteach team is delighted to welcome Raphael Kohler as a new member of the Board of Directors and looks forward to a very constructive, great collaboration!
Nidau, 15.09.2023:
After the first sponsorship of Swissteach AG with EHC Biel-Bienne already came into being at the beginning of 2023, another partnership has now been signed and sealed and may be officially announced: We are very happy about the new sponsorship partnership with BSV Bern! A cooperation, of two parties that follow the same motto: Those who recognize potential and are able to use it in the best possible way, position themselves successfully for the future. This principle applies not only to Swissteach and its customers in the context of employee training, but of course also to a sports team like BSV.

Founded in 1959 as a gymnastics club, with a single team, BSV Bern has grown to become the largest handball club in the canton of Bern. In 2023, the BSV includes 12 teams from the U11 level up to the Quickline Handball League. In the two clubs Future Bern (junior) & BSV Bern (active), as well as BSV Bern AG (Quickline Handball Legaue), a total of around 300 people actively play handball. Together with the foundation for youth promotion SPORT FOR KIDS and the business club Bärenclub, BSV is widely networked in the capital.
Swissteach AG is looking forward to a successful partnership with BSV Bern and is very much looking forward to the upcoming joint projects!
Nidau, 14.09.2023:
This is not only true for sports clubs, but also for the numerous customers of Swissteach AG. We are known for always breaking new ground, thinking things through in a new way and sparing no effort when it comes to the common cause. What happens when motivated people are in contact with each other, who burn for one and the same thing? Correct - a constructive and successful partnership.

With this in mind, we are very pleased to be able to support EHC Biel-Bienne Spirit, the junior organization of the EHC, as a "Silver Sponsor" with immediate effect. Always true to the motto: Potential must not only be known, but also specifically promoted and supported!
The EHC Biel-Bienne Spirit AG operates targeted junior training at all age levels. The FTEM training concept from Swiss Ice Hockey forms the basis for this. The EHCB Spirit youth work makes a significant contribution to the regional youth policy, whereby EHC Biel-Bienne Spirit stands not only for sporting training but also for a genuine youth forum: A place where one should not only take something away for a sports career, but also for life!
Here's to a great partnership and a successful season 23/24!
Nidau, 09.07.2021:
From now on Swissteach AG is the exclusive distributor of the well-known AUTHORING TOOL "LEARNING SLIDES" in Switzerland.
What has already been in the offing for some time, should now meet with great joy and approval among customers and interested parties. Not only that the Swiss e-learning expert supports the manufacturer of Learning Slides in sales - but also all customers and interested parties benefit from the partnership: Swissteach now offers its LMS Global Teach as a package in connection with the efficient authoring tool.

This means that users not only benefit from the extensive functions of the modular learning management system, but can now also easily create their own content and upload it to Global Teach. The fact that Learning Slides is particularly simple and efficient has already been proven by the authoring tool for many years with various well-known customers. Above all, the particularly intuitive handling and the consistently clear design enable every user to use it without prior training. In this way, efficient content can be created quickly, and its translation into various languages is no longer an obstacle.
This alliance between LMS and authoring tool is the next logical step - especially in the current times, when e-learning is used more and more also by smaller companies, where fast, effective solutions are needed. A win-win situation for all parties involved.
If you have any questions or are interested, the Swissteach team is also available DIRECTLY.
Nidau, 19.04.2021:
Swiss e-learning provider Swissteach has launched another product that hits the nerve of the current times: the Swissteach Academy knowledge package - a kind of flat rate for e-learning content that covers the latest topics for companies of all kinds and enables immediate training of employees.
Due to the extreme changes in the work environment in recent months, most companies need to train their employees quickly and easily, even at a distance. Here Swissteach now offers the optimal solution. With the aforementioned knowledge package, every company - from SMEs to large corporations - is in a position to make all employees fit via e-learning in the currently most burning topics. This has met with particular interest among smaller companies, which until now had mostly assumed that such a thing was not worthwhile with a low number of users!
After extensive analysis, the Swiss e-learning provider has evaluated the most important topics and now offers ready-made, generic content such as:
"Successful Communication"
"Customer orientation"
"Working optimally in a home office"
"Professional video conferencing"
"Data Protection and Information Security"
"IT Security"

A particularly promising feature is that the topics are continuously expanded with additional e-learning courses without generating additional costs.
In this way, users have access to a promising flat rate of training topics, which they can access anytime and anywhere.
Swissteach is particularly keen to offer three alternatives in this context:
In addition to direct access to the Swissteach Academy, customers can alternatively opt for their own learning environment, which can also be branded and individually expanded. As a third option, the content can also be purchased separately in order to make it available on the company's own existing system.
With this, the e-learning experts once again prove their well-known flexibility and their strong will to make e-learning accessible for every type of company.
The knowledge package is available now and is extremely affordable with an initial discount of 20%. All further info can be found HERE.
If you have any questions or are interested, the Swissteach team is also available DIRECTLY.
Nidau, 04.01.2021:
Since the beginning of 2020, virtually all companies - primarily Corona-related - have switched to long-term home offices. In some cases even repeatedly. One-third of employees say they have improved their digital skills a great deal during this time. Yet 61% feel little or no support from their employers in building their digital skills and the associated home office digitization. This was the finding of a survey conducted by the Chefsache initiative in September 2020.[1]
In addition, many employees still find it difficult to find a regular work rhythm at home and work as efficiently as they do in the office.
With the new e-learning "Suddenly Home Office", Swissteach AG is now offering increased support. Even though employees may have been working in a home office for many months, there are still obstacles and uncertainties everywhere. Thanks to the sophisticated learning program offered by the e-learning experts, employees can become even more productive in their home office in just 20 minutes, while gaining security and valuable support. The Swiss e-learning experts thus offer a real win-win situation for all companies involved. Last but not least, costs for health-related sick leave or legal problems are avoided.

The aforementioned e-learning includes suggestions for designing and organizing work in the home office, constructive solutions for hazards such as lack of movement and distraction traps, as well as tips worth knowing about working hours, data privacy and data security, and much more.
The training program is available in both German and English and can be further customized on request. Interested companies will receive a demo access immediately.
If you are also interested, please contact directly.
[1] Initiative Chefsache (2020). New Work - Fair Chances. Hamburg: Zeitverlag Gerd Bucerius GmbH
Nidau, 04.01.2021:
The year couldn't start better: Swissteach AG was awarded twice with the eLearning Award 2021! In the category "Content" as well as in the category "Medium-Sized Businesses" we were able to snatch the coveted prize... You can find more information HERE.
We are very happy about the double award!!!