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Isabelle Ulbrich


E-learning for companies offers a modern and flexible alternative to conventional teaching methods with interactive modules, virtual courses, and DIGITAL EMPLOYEE TRAINING. The increasing use of e-learning elements in the modern world of work cannot be overlooked. Above all, the flexibility and adaptability of this form of learning makes it particularly attractive for modern organisations, which are particularly exposed to fast-paced change.

But what exactly are the advantages of e-learning for companies? And are there any challenges that need to be overcome? In our new blog, we have summarised the main advantages and challenges of e-learning for companies in small, completely objective examples.


Advantages of e-learning for companies

Cost efficiency: Finn and Hannes sit down at the hotel bar after a gruelling training course far from home to round off the exhausting day. "After all, the employer pays the expenses," they think to themselves. It's one of those nights when you either don't even start drinking and go to bed or you go completely over the top. Finn and Hannes decide in favour of "or" that evening. Although they realise at the beginning that there are limits to their employer's generosity, their remorse turns into excess over the course of the next few hours. Several long drinks and two ibuprofens later, the boss receives the receipt. Whether this is due to inappropriate training methods or solely to the misbehaviour of Finn and Hannes remains to be seen. This leads us to the first significant advantage of e-learning for companies: Cost efficiency. However, even without all-nighters, this advantage of e-learning for companies eliminates the cost of travelling or training accommodation and replaces physical learning materials with digital resources.

Mobility: In the first example, another advantage of e-learning for companies has probably already come through: Mobility. LMSs such as GLOBAL TEACH® enable employees to access training content from anywhere, which increases flexibility and accessibility. With this advantage, e-learning for companies thus offers the freedom to learn from any location.

Scalability of training measures: This advantage of e-learning allows companies to adapt training programmes effectively and efficiently to a growing number of employees. So, if you have unintentionally founded the next market leader in the FinTech scene, the right LMS will help you to get back on top of the situation, at least in terms of employee qualification.

Flexibility and adaptability: Finn is blessed with a quick grasp of things, while Hannes is slower to process learning content. Nevertheless, they both enjoy spending time together because their differences unite them. People are different and this individuality should also be respected when learning. Another advantage of e-learning for companies is that it allows each of your employees to flexibly adapt their training times. This also promotes a sense of responsibility for the individual learning process.

Fast updating of learning content: Back to the FinTech market leader: Has it just come to light that your company has been the victim of a huge fraud, but various investors have invested massively in you? Now your employees should be quickly updated on the topic of "trade secrets". In other words: updating content quickly and thus continuously adapting to new circumstances - this is also the strength of digital training.

Consistent training quality: Employee training is of little use if not all employees are up to date. For this reason, another advantage of e-learning for companies is that all employees have continuous access to the same training content. Quality controls and standardised tests can also ensure that everyone really does have the same knowledge base. A sequential approach to very participant-intensive employee training is no longer necessary!


Of course, there are not only advantages to E-LEARNING FOR COMPANIES, but also challenges that need to be overcome. Even if the boss probably doesn't like it, Finn and Hannes had a wonderful evening. They have built up a strong bond with each other. Finn now knows all about Hannes' insufferable neighbours, while he in turn is up to date with Finn's plans for the next garden party. The lack of social interaction is therefore probably the most common negative argument when considering e-learning for companies. However, this negative aspect can be remedied by integrating virtual collaboration tools, forums, and discussion platforms to create a sense of cohesion. This is where you need the advice of an experienced LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PROVIDER who knows how to integrate an LMS into an existing corporate culture.

Along with the advantages of e-learning for companies, questions are always being raised about the technical hurdles. In many cases, older employees are not at the same technical level as their colleagues. There is therefore a fear that they could be left behind. Here too, the support of an experienced E-LEARNING AGENCY with the right technologies is required. There are already many methods for offering accessible learning and providing equal opportunities in this context, even for employees who are inexperienced with technology.

So, when we talk about the advantages and disadvantages of e-learning for companies, it becomes clear that the latter are much more likely to be challenges, the overcoming of which leads to a win-win situation for everyone involved.

If you have any further questions about the advantages of e-learning or would like some CONSULTANCY, please feel free to CONTACT us at any time. We look forward to your enquiry.

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