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  • Isabelle Ulbrich


Once they have started their careers, many employees still fall by the wayside when it comes to continuing their education. There are too many hurdles to overcome. Because if an employee is on training, then their manpower is of course missing from the business. In large companies, this may be a minor problem, but small and medium-sized businesses can rarely do without an employee for several days at a time.

Another hurdle that often prevents further training, in form of EMPLOYEE TRAINING, from being offered by the company or business at all is the not inconsiderable cost factor. And of course, there are many other reasons why many employees do not benefit from further training measures.

But not only that: if you disregard general training measures, you quickly realize that employees often have only incomplete knowledge that they optimally need for their job. And this fact is even more devastating. Because a company can only achieve its own goals if every employee can contribute to them as successfully as possible with his or her work.

In this context, both further training and situational knowledge transfer are not as complicated and time-consuming as many people think. Because thanks to e-learning training, many of the feared challenges in the training area can be avoided. This is the reason why e-learning training is now being used successfully by many companies.


The decisive advantage, especially for companies that cannot afford to invest a lot of effort in employee training and development, is that e-learning training is highly affordable and, above all, sustainable - for really every company.

There are no horrendous costs for seminars and courses, and no additional costs for overnight stays. E-learning training is also ahead in terms of time and efficiency. Unlike on-site training and seminars, which always take place on specific dates, e-learning training can take place spontaneously and, above all, very flexibly.

Another bonus point that speaks in favor of the use of e-learning training is that with the help of this measure, a targeted and very individual advancement of the individual employee can be achieved. The user gets exactly the knowledge he needs for his work and this in turn proves to be an advantage when it comes to motivation. Because if employees are fit for their tasks, they can complete them faster, more efficiently and, above all, more successfully. This not only supports the achievement of corporate goals, but also creates a sense of individual achievement, which in turn motivates. Due to the individual approach to the respective level of knowledge of each individual, these advantages are of course much more pronounced with e-learning training than is the case with classic seminars.

The fact that the content in a learning management system is flexible and can be accessed at any time means that quite a few employees also complete training courses in their free time, or on their way to work, for example. An additional motivating factor here is that learning progress can be viewed in the system at any time. This means that both employees and supervisors have an overview of the current status at all times. The LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM also shows which training courses are still open or which would be suitable in terms of content.

In addition, the employee receives a certificate for each training course successfully completed as part of the e-learning training, if desired. If gamification is also anchored in the system (as in GLOBAL TEACH®, for example), users can even collect points and badges in order to visually "learn their way up" in the system.


With your many responsibilities as a manager, it is understandably difficult for you to keep an eye on possible training courses for your employees and to plan them accordingly. After all, you first have to analyze which training courses the respective employee needs and in what form they are offered and where. Then everything has to be planned accordingly and in the end the result has to be documented somehow. Many different processes, which are not only tedious, but also hardly feasible with several employees with different needs.

With an e-learning training, you save yourself tedious and long-term planning. Once set up, the process works almost by itself via the Learning Management System and you don't have to worry about any deadlines.

Another positive side effect, which should make you particularly happy as a supervisor, is that employees are also significantly more motivated to acquire new knowledge and improve existing skills through e-learning training.


Thanks to e-learning training, it is not only convenient, but also completely uncomplicated and resource-saving to bring your company and your employees a big step forward and thus stay fit for the competition on the market.

Would you also like to benefit from the advantages of a digital training solution, or do you still have questions about what this could look like in your company in concrete terms? Then simply CONTACT us and Swissteach can answer all your questions about e-learning training in a joint discussion.

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