Digitalization has greatly changed people's ability to absorb information, and at the same time, great new possibilities have developed for effectively training employees. Fortunately, the days of front-paging, as it used to be practiced - and not only in schools - are over. In the meantime, it has become clear that much more is needed for sustainable knowledge anchoring: in order for knowledge to be firmly anchored in a person's mind, he or she should, if possible, still apply it within the knowledge acquisition itself. This is the only way to link the new, theoretical information with its application in everyday life and to enable the employee to ultimately implement the knowledge in his or her (professional) everyday life.
Overall, the following points support interactive and thus sustainable learning:
The information you have just learned on the "theoretical level" should be actively applied directly.
Trying out how to best and most effectively put this knowledge into practice.
It must be possible to transfer the learned knowledge to job-like situations (knowledge transfer).
The exchange with the trainer or other users also helps to anchor what has been learned.
As experts in this field for many years, we at Swissteach are constantly dealing with this topic and know what is important. Thanks to digitalization, most companies now have access to various digital media. And using these in a targeted manner is an enormous advantage for interactive learning in today's world. We tell you how you and your employees can best learn interactively using e-learning. After all, your employees are the key to your company's success!
E-learning features various methods to enable interactive learning - such as with the help of webinars or a virtual classroom. Here, learners interact actively with trainers and other users. Whether mutual exchange or giving feedback, through a webinar, or in a Virtual Classroom, the knowledge is anchored even better. Within an e-learning there is also the possibility to integrate quizzes. There, employees apply their knowledge directly and answer questions about the content they have just learned.
Another possibility for interactive learning are simulated situations or dialogs. Let's assume an employee from the sales department is supposed to be able to sell a new product. Then he learns the corresponding sales arguments, advantages, etc. in advance. - For example, via text, video, or similar within an e-learning. Ideally, he then ends up in a virtual dialog with a fictitious person - the "potential customer". Here, he now applies his knowledge and tries it out. In this job-related situation, he or she applies the knowledge directly to everyday life. In this way, the knowledge is anchored and is no longer only theoretically retrievable. The particular advantage of this approach is that although the user is in a situation that is very close to his or her everyday working life, he or she is in a "protected" space and can try things out for a while without any negative consequences until he or she has internalized everything. This form of interactive learning has become very popular and has also proven to be extremely sustainable.
Simulated dialogs like these can also be presented in a simpler way - for example, in the form of individual questions and answers, without additional image animation, similar to a quiz.
Another important point from the area of "interactive learning" is GAMIFICATION IN THE LMS. Here, interaction is particularly encouraged, as personal ambition is driven and points can sometimes be collected together in teams. The interactive exchange and consequently the interactive learning, are here a great side effect. Especially in the e-learning area, there are hardly any limits. Experience shows that gamification in the LMS increases the motivation of your employees to learn content enormously. Many companies have therefore started to make real challenges out of it.
Swissteach helps you find a tailored LMS solution for you to enable your team to learn interactively via e-learning. By the way, you can choose between our Basic LMS CLEVERANTO® and our Advanced LMS GLOBAL TEACH®
Interactivity can be promoted when virtual practice conversations are held or interactive quizzes are solved. In addition, the exchange with the trainer, superiors and colleagues plays a major role.
But what exactly is the advantage of interactive learning? Let's summarize again:
When learning - in general, but especially in companies - takes place interactively, the new knowledge remains more sustainable and thus much longer retrievable. After all, you're not training employees for fun, but with the goal of enabling them to do their jobs even better from now on. To do this, they must be able to apply the knowledge instead of forgetting it immediately after the training. If you enable users to learn interactively, they can apply the knowledge more quickly in their day-to-day work. They thus become productive immediately and any follow-up training (including its expense) can thus be reduced. A win-win situation for everyone involved!
By the way, when your employees learn interactively, their willingness to learn is also increased. After all, nothing is more boring than just acquiring information in theory. Through interactive learning, knowledge is applied in practice and exchanged with others. This in turn increases the motivation of the users. The more motivated and engaged they are, the better they learn in the end. This principle has even been proven in several studies. In the end, every training measure and every E-LEARNING course is about evoking a certain goal, i.e. a change in behavior, in the learner, because the newly acquired know-how must pass into the long-term memory and become an experience.
When your employees learn interactively, they and, more importantly, the company, again in summary, benefit from the following:
High efficiency
Increased motivation
Sustainable anchoring of knowledge
Faster implementation in everyday working life, resulting in immediate, productive use
Possible retraining can be reduced
You want to optimize your EMPLOYEE TRAININGS and generate the greatest possible benefit for the company from them? Then you should offer employees the opportunity to learn interactively. Enjoy the numerous advantages that good e-learning brings in this context.
In order for your employees to be able to learn interactively as successfully as possible, it is important - as with all training measures - that the e-learning is done and presented in the right way.
As always, knowledge transfer must not be "too dry" or even boring. E-learning offers the best conditions for interactive learning, independent work and maximum flexibility. And: the mixture makes the difference! Good e-learning should offer the user a pleasant mixture of theoretical knowledge transfer (texts, videos, etc.) and the corresponding interactive implementation options (quizzes, fictional dialogues, exchange with others, etc.).
With the help of Swissteach's expertise and with the support of our successful solutions, you and your employees can learn interactively and build knowledge sustainably. Send us your REQUEST and we will be happy to help you!