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Isabelle Ulbrich


The fact that e-learning is now used in most companies for the successful transfer of knowledge is nothing new. It is not least thanks to the digitalisation that is prevalent everywhere that this form of learning is becoming more and more established and successful. Classroom training is gradually shifting into the background and is only used for those subject areas in which it really brings sustainable benefits.

However, it is important to bear this development in mind: Not all e-learning is the same! This makes it all the more important to use learning successfully and profitably in the future.

With over 25 years of experience, we are experts in this field - it is not for nothing that both our content and our LMS have been awarded the E-LEARNING AWARD several times. We would be happy to show you what learning can look like in the future and what you need to consider in order to make your digital training and thus your employees successful.


E-LEARNING is a way to train your employees and strengthen their knowledge in various subject areas. This is about the optimal use of digital media and thus a flexible form of knowledge transfer for your employees.However, especially in times when home office is becoming more and more important, it is essential today and in the future that the respective company has a holistic strategy for the use of e-learning. Only in this way can learning be successful in the future.

Every company ticks differently and that is why it is particularly important to clearly define, for example, the overarching goals, the internal circumstances and the solution options to be used. This applies to all companies - regardless of size or sector. After all, the employees are the ones who contribute significantly to the success and competitiveness of a company. Continuously training them and providing them with all the information they need for their work at any time is indispensable. Only with trained personnel will you and your company remain competitive and secure a successful future. What still needs to be considered today and also for the learning of the future? Here you will find some pointers.


It is no longer news that e-learning should also be available on mobile devices. After all, not every employee always has access to a computer and many should also be flexible when on the move or have quick access to digital information and training on site. However, there are a few things to consider here:

The respective contents - if they are intended for mobile devices - must fulfil corresponding criteria. For example, when displaying content on mobile phones, care must be taken to ensure that the font is appropriately large in order to guarantee uncompromising readability of the content. Complicated and extensive content is generally difficult to learn on a mobile phone. On the other hand, short contents that convey the relevant information to the user to the point - for example in a video - are perfectly suited for flexible access via mobile devices.


For the sustainable success of training programmes, it will become increasingly important to think holistically in the future. Not only individual fields should be taught. Rather, it will also become increasingly important in future learning to recognise the strengths and "weaknesses" of the individual employees and to develop them in a goal-oriented way. Here again, the corporate goals (see strategy above) play an important role. Targeted training measures are important so that the further development of the team can show long-term success.

Not only today, but also in the learning of the future, it is not exclusively about company-focused reinforcement and deepening of knowledge. Employees now expect more from their employer and long for personal development opportunities. Work-life balance plays a major role here. More and more people are looking for a healthy balance between work and leisure, tasks and achievements. This must be taken into account in the training sector and can even be used effectively. The holistic development of your employees should be consistently taken into account - also when learning in the future.


Various techniques are suitable for maintaining and promoting the motivation of your employees. GAMIFICATION IN LMS has not been around since yesterday, but it will play an increasingly important role in learning in the future. No wonder, since this exciting approach is showing more and more success. Here, for example, users receive a certain number of points for each completed course. This stimulates ambition and allows employees to measure themselves against each other. There are no limits, from concrete objectives based on this to entire team battles.

It has long been proven that this approach on the part of e-learning brings considerable advantages. Therefore, this function is also available in our LMS GLOBAL TEACH®.


Large companies in particular usually have diverse departments that pursue a wide variety of goals. Until now, it was often the case that training was developed separately from one of these "company departments" and offered to the corresponding target group. In the past, little attention was paid to what was available in this context from other areas, or perhaps even developed in parallel.

However, this clearly needs to change - especially for learning in the future: Challenges in the future should ideally be worked on "under-hooked". This means that success can only be guaranteed if the departments mesh with each other and jointly contribute their sub-area or their respective knowledge. This is the only way to achieve a coherent, holistic picture in the further development of the teams.


Let's summarise the most important points again: The learning of the future ideally combines digitalisation with targeted training measures. In order to make e-learning sustainable and, above all, successful for your employees, a holistic strategy for the training area of your company is essential. Not all e-learning is the same!

To ensure that learning in the future continues to be successful in your company, you should consider the following points:

  • Adapt content to mobile use if necessary

  • Know the strengths and weaknesses of employees and support them in a targeted and sustainable way

  • Holistic development instead of selective knowledge building that ignores everything else

  • Promote employee motivation (e.g. with gamification)

  • Bring together different areas in the company so that holistic development can take place.

You want individual strategies to promote your team in a future-oriented and sustainable way? Learning promises to be exciting in the future and we would be happy to give you even more tips for your individual corporate success. Simply CONTACT US - together we will find the right e-learning solution for your company.

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