Everyone now encounters videos and film sequences virtually around the clock. Apart from the traditional television, videos and short films have become an indispensable part of all social media channels. Information is conveyed through audio and images that most people can absorb very well and process sustainably. In this context, it is not surprising that the video learning method is also being used more and more in employee development.
Take advantage of the benefits of video and use video learning to train your employees. We at Swissteach will show you what makes this type of training so effective and how it is used.
Video learning is a digital form of learning, i.e. part of e-learning, and can be used both privately and professionally to impart knowledge. On youtube, for example, there are tons of videos that help in various everyday situations. These range from repairs and DYI to cooking and baking. Many of us turn to it again and again as the fastest way to learn something that we need in a particular situation. So why not use this option to professionally train your employees? Since this type of "training" takes place online, participants do not have to be on-site and no complex infrastructure is required, except for a video and a terminal device. In addition, this form of e-learning offers a variety of other advantages.
Video learning - like e-learning in general - offers a high degree of flexibility. Employees can acquire knowledge regardless of location and time. They can decide for themselves which learning environment to choose and at what time learning is easiest for them. Learning can also be adapted to different learning types. While some people may be very receptive in the morning, others find it easier to quickly understand and retain content in the evening. In addition, it is of course a huge advantage that the knowledge is available exactly when it is needed and, if in doubt, can even be repeated an infinite number of times.
Also for the employer Video-Learning, or E-LEARNING has numerous advantages: The videos can be recorded once by the topic-specific experts in your company and then shared with any number of employees without limits, without much effort. You save a lot of resources because you don't have to hire a training manager to deliver the same course over and over again. At the same time, no training rooms are required. In addition, there are possible travel and catering costs that you save when using e-learning.
Another advantage is that there is no limit to the number of participants in this type of training. Everyone who wants to or for whom the learning content is interesting and useful can participate. Capacity limitations are a thing of the past. And if you use an LMS for distribution, you can even track who has viewed the training or video at any time and also assign the whole thing to specific people for whom the respective knowledge would be useful.
In addition, video learning can usually be repeated indefinitely. This is particularly useful if you want to refresh past training sessions or if content is not yet completely clear. In order to exploit the sustainability of video learning, the videos should be offered in short sequences of about 2 to 3 minutes, depending on the topic.
Especially in times of Corona, but also due to the constantly advancing digitalization and things like flexible workplaces, video learning is so popular. Basically, any employee in any industry can acquire knowledge with videos. Even complex content can be easily prepared. The moving image has clear advantages over other learning media because it addresses multiple stimuli at once. Information is thus packaged vividly and attractively, making learning overall enjoyable and entertaining.
Screen recordings are one way of establishing video learning in your own company. These are recordings of the computer screen. This variant is used, for example, when certain processes or systems are to be shown clearly.
Another possibility are so-called explanatory films. Here, a topic is teased and/or explained in just a few minutes. Learners are picked up with the help of storytelling and complex topics are presented in an easy-to-understand way using clear graphics and film sequences. Interactions or communication between people - e.g. positive and negative examples - can also be shown with video learning and thus offer practical relevance.
This form of video learning can also be combined with interactions of the participants - this is then referred to as interactive explanatory films. Here, the videos alternate with interactive quizzes or exercises that can be solved using drag & drop or multiple choice, for example. This keeps learners motivated and at the same time relates what they have learned to real-life situations.
Another way to use video learning effectively is to use short videos as an introduction to a training topic. Before a training session, your employees can be introduced to the topic and learn the basics. Above all, it arouses curiosity for the specific topic.
Basically, the more attractive the presentation, the more likely it is that the information conveyed will remain in the minds of the participants. Video learning is sustainable and extremely efficient, because compact content is conveyed in an appealing way through audio and images within a very short time. We are happy to provide CONSULTATION to help you realize the full potential of e-learning.
As a competent E-LEARNING AGENCY, Swissteach is your contact when it comes to the creation of e-learning of all kinds. We are happy to help you with our expertise and many years of experience. Please feel free to contact us. We are looking forward to your REQUEST!