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The Global Teach® module "Performance Review" offers our customers the possibility to map especially the performance and potential assessment in the LMS. These mostly take the form of employee reviews and feedback on specific objectives.


In order for the performance review to be constructive and beneficial to both you as an employer and your employees, the groundwork is first laid. These consist of a specific objective and a performance analysis based on it. By the way, the whole thing is called "Performance Support" and comes in a double pack with our "Performance Review".

Read below to find out what this looks like in practice and how
SWISSTEACH can help you with your team's performance.


In order to work efficiently with each other and to achieve set goals on time, Performance Review is a very important element. As a rule, this takes place on a permanent basis between employees and their superiors and is brought to a head, for example, in an annual performance review. However, the performance review of the entire team is also important. Here, the actual competencies should be compared with the target competencies. This quickly provides an overview of the skills to be acquired via e-learning and / or classroom training within a certain period of time.


But what is the best way to design something like this?

To document and evaluate the learning successes of individual employees or an entire team, you need three things:

  • Specific learning objectives that can be used to measure successes and failures.

  • Learning content that relates to your employees' upcoming challenges and needed skills

  • A platform where content and objectives are recorded, documented and learning successes are easily displayed

Swissteach is the right partner for you in all of these areas. As an agency with over 25 years of experience in digital learning, we bring exactly the right know-how for a constructive performance review.

Together with you, we define the learning objectives that are important for your operational situation. What content is needed to achieve these goals is then determined in the next step.

To make the Performance Review as constructive as possible, specific tests and questionnaires can follow the processed E-LEARNINGS.

Performance Review can be selected as a separate module for our Learning Management System GLOBAL TEACH®. Here, the content can be easily summarized and coordinated. Your employees are then trained in a targeted and flexible manner. Performance Support is an indispensable element for the implementation, which is related to the Performance Review module.


A good performance review of your employees and your team has only advantages for everyone. Through performance reviews and constructive and above all transparent feedback, work processes are adapted and made more efficient. This benefits your company and enables sustainable competitiveness.

But your employees also benefit from our Performance Review module. Through helpful feedback, personal strengths and weaknesses are revealed, which may not have been present before. These can then be expanded or compensated for accordingly. Your own progress in further education and training is also documented and made transparent for your employees. In this way, everyone involved has a precise overview of the target and actual competencies at all times.

Do you have questions about digital learning and performance review? Then simply CONTACT us, we will be happy to help you.

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