With the rapid advance of digitalisation, e-learning has become the most successful form of knowledge transfer in recent years. As a result, many different e-learning methods have emerged that enable you to use the digitalised form of learning sustainably and profitably for your company.
In the following, we would like to show you the most important forms and types of training within which you can use the various e-learning methods efficiently.
In the following, we would like to show you the most important training forms and types within which you can efficiently use the various e-learning methods.
To ensure that the various e-learning methods guarantee optimum success and maximum efficiency, it is important to clarify the form of training in which they are used. In the following, you will therefore first see which forms and types of training play an important role in E-LEARNING FOR COMPANIES.
These four types of training have proven to be particularly effective when using e-learning:
Blended learning
Mobile learning
Serious games
User generated content
But what exactly is it all about and how are these moulds best used?
This form of training combines the advantages of online learning with the success factors of face-to-face training. Ideally, when planning a specific training topic, it is already determined which areas can best be trained in person and which online. Particular attention should be paid to the content to be taught: Soft skills, for example, are taught most effectively in face-to-face training.
The associated knowledge of certain facts can also be covered by one or more e-learning sessions before and / or after the training. This provides your employees with the most sustainable training and allows them to reap all the benefits of using digital media as well as DIGITAL EMPLOYEE TRAINING. The ideal combination of classroom training and e-learning therefore maximises efficiency.
Theoretically, almost any of the various e-learning methods can be mapped on a mobile device. Ultimately, mobile learning is mainly about enabling users to access digital training content on a mobile phone, tablet or similar device. However, caution is advised here, as simply mirroring various content on a mobile device is not always useful. Web-based training courses (WBT) should – if they are intended for mobile learning – always be adapted to the mobile view beforehand. What does that mean? It's actually quite simple: a mobile phone, for example, always has a much smaller screen than a laptop. Accordingly, the font size must first be designed in such a way that texts can also be read there without any problems. In general, the text passages for mobile content should always be as short as possible and limited to the bare essentials. But that's not all: quizzes and other tasks must also be designed in such a way that they are easy to handle on a mobile phone or tablet.
Simply making a WBT smaller in order to display the training content on a mobile phone is not expedient and can even lead to frustration on the part of the user (if they cannot read the texts well or cannot perform the intended tasks due to the usability)!
This type of e-learning is primarily characterised by GAMIFICATION. The training content is conveyed like in a ‘computer game’ with its own story. The user then solves various tasks in which they apply their newly acquired knowledge in order to progress to the next level and/or achieve a specific goal. This has been proven to create a particularly strong incentive, as ambition is awakened and – depending on the company – competitions can even be organised among employees or teams, which are awarded a prize at the end of a certain period, for example.
Gamification, i.e. the integration of playful elements into learning processes, is an e-learning method that has become very popular in recent years. The use of points, badges, leaderboards and rewards in training courses can significantly increase learner motivation. By challenging employees in a playful way, they not only increase their willingness to learn, but also their commitment and performance. Gamification is particularly suitable for topics that are otherwise considered dry or difficult to access, as it appeals to learners on an emotional level and thus improves learning success.
A major advantage of gamification is that it can be applied at different levels: From simple quizzes and interactive tasks to complex learning games that guide employees through a virtual learning world. In addition, gamification also encourages collaboration and competition among employees, which can strengthen team spirit and lead to better results.
For gamification to be successful, companies should ensure that the playful elements are meaningfully integrated into the learning process and actually contribute to achieving the learning objectives. It is not just about making learning more entertaining, but about sustainably improving motivation and learning outcomes.
In this form of training, employees provide the e-learning content themselves for other users. This content can include anything from experiences on a specific topic to tips and best practice. For example, a retail employee could record a video while unpacking a new product. He shows the product and perhaps gives tips on handling and sales arguments. Similarly, a very experienced sales employee could summarise their best tips for sales talks in a video and make it available to their colleagues.
This training content creation process makes E-LEARNING particularly authentic for other employees, as the content is communicated at eye level and directly from everyday working life.
However, this form of training has a significant disadvantage: in order to avoid spreading unintentional misinformation in this way, the content should be checked by a defined authority before being passed on to employees.
Above, we have presented four of the forms and types of training. But what e-learning methods are there that can be used in these forms of learning?.
The most important and now most commonly used methods are as follows:
WBT (Web based training)
Social learning
PodcastMicro Learning
This method enables particularly efficient and flexible learning and is now increasingly being used as the epitome of e-learning. A WBT usually consists of different parts (e.g. text, quizzes, video, audio, etc.) and thus familiarises the user with a specific topic in several individual parts. This is a multimedia learning programme. The advantage is that the user can directly apply and try out the acquired knowledge there to ensure that it is firmly anchored. All that is needed to carry out a WBT is internet access so that the learning content is accessible from anywhere and for all employees.
Social learning is an e-learning method that emphasises exchange and cooperation between learners. In an increasingly networked working world, learning from and with others is becoming ever more important. By using social media, forums, chats and collaborative platforms, employees can learn from each other, support each other and develop solutions together.
The advantage of social learning lies in its dynamic and interactive nature. Employees can share their experiences, ask questions and work together on projects, which enriches and deepens the learning process. In addition, social learning promotes a sense of belonging and can help to establish a strong learning culture within the organisation.
To successfully implement social learning, organisations should provide platforms and tools that facilitate exchange and collaboration. It is important to create an open and supportive learning environment in which employees feel encouraged to actively participate in the learning process. At the same time, care must be taken to ensure that the exchange is constructive so that the learning objectives can also be achieved.
VIDEO-LEARNING conveys the training content with the help of audio and images. This variant is best suited, for example, to draw users' attention to a specific topic, provide an overview or show everyday situations. However, particular attention should be paid to the length of the video: ideally, a training video should only last a few minutes to allow for the attention span. If the content is longer, it is best to provide several short videos that are organised thematically.
And the quality also plays an important role: if the quality is poor (e.g. sound that is difficult to understand, images that do not fit, boring presentation, etc.), the user's motivation to concentrate on the content is naturally correspondingly low.
However, this very important e-learning method is generally used very frequently, as most people absorb the content very well in this way and are usually able to concentrate well on what is being shown. This method also offers a high degree of flexibility as well as knowledge acquisition independent of time and place.
Last but not least, podcasts should be mentioned as an e-learning method. In general, podcasts are currently very much in vogue and are also an efficient and exciting way of imparting knowledge. In a podcast, the content is conveyed audibly. As with videos, attention must of course also be paid to quality and time span in order to maximise efficiency. A well-made podcast offers great opportunities to gain insights into a wide range of content. Depending on the current situation, it may be a welcome change for the user to gain knowledge in this way. As with other e-learning methods, users are offered a high degree of flexibility and the opportunity to continue their development from anywhere.
You have already learnt from the previous sections that e-learning can only be successful if it is divided into ‘easily digestible chunks’. Micro learning therefore means that knowledge is imparted in small chunks of information. In other words: an efficient ‘training package’ consists – depending on the scope – of a classroom training course or a webinar, as well as the associated e-learning courses. The latter in turn contain the optimal division of the content into texts, quizzes, videos, etc. These ‘individual parts’ then correspond to microlearning, as ideally each section (i.e. each text, quiz, video, etc.) can be interrupted or paused. The user can then rejoin the programme at this point at any time and, if necessary, repeat one part or another in a targeted manner.
This method makes e-learning significantly easier, especially for particularly complex content, as the knowledge is processed by the employee bit by bit and is therefore retained more effectively.
Webinars are now used in many companies and have proven to be very efficient and sustainable. No wonder: a webinar offers almost all the advantages of face-to-face training in the form of online training. This very important e-learning method is the online version of classroom training. In order to enable users to take part in training from any location, they are trained online via conference. One of the advantages of this method is that it saves your employees having to travel and is therefore sustainable, while participants can still exchange ideas live.
Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are very much in vogue at the moment. Although the production and realisation is associated with increased technical effort, it can, depending on the area of application, also offer advantages that cannot be achieved with any of the other e-learning methods. Users are immersed in a world of their own and can experience situations and/or simulations that cannot be experienced in the same way with any of the other e-learning methods. VR and AR are extremely exciting and interactive and can take your training courses to a new level.
If you look at the individual e-learning methods and types, it quickly becomes clear that - with the right interaction and use - all training content can be communicated sustainably. We are the experts for successful knowledge transfer and will be happy to help you organise YOUR training area as efficiently as possible.
Simply CONTACT us and together we will find the ideal methods to develop your employees in a targeted manner and make your company even more successful!